Weekly Recap: workouts, soccer, beach, and a knee injury 

I didn’t write a recap of my week last week so thought I would catch up a little bit. 

On Sunday, May 7, a day after my half marathon, I went to church and we had a crawfish boil fundraiser for our youth. My daughter Aubrynn and my husband will travel to North Carolina on a youth trip in July. They are super excited about it. We left the crawfish boil, went home and got ready to head down to Hurley, MS which is about 45 minutes away. Aubrynn had a friendly soccer game and my middle little Addy had dance rehearsal. Luckily they were both at the same time and place which never happens. I also had to pick out our seats for dance recital so I knocked that out and went back to watch Aubrynn play soccer. We had a busy Sunday which is usually a rest day after church.

Monday: running rest day, taught my fitness class (back and upper body), Cayne’s Kindergarten graduation. Cayne graduated! Praise the Lord! 

Tuesday: 2 mile run, taught my fitness class (lower body), Cayne’s Tball game. Legs did not want to move just yet after my half, but I was happy to be out running! Also, I am IN for Disney Princess Half Marathon weekend!! I will run the 5k with my mom and two daughters, the 10k with Aubrynn, and the half marathon with all my running friends I’m meeting down there! I cannot wait!! It’s the 10th anniversary! Woo hoo! 

Wednesday: 4.2 mile run. Legs started to feel better and got my pace back in the 10’s. 

Thursday: 3.25 mile run, taught a core workout at my class, Cayne’s last Tball game of regular season. Picked up the pace for this one. The weather is getting warmer, but I love running down a trail to see this view of Lake Mellie Jane!A gorgeous sunset to end Thursday. 

Friday: 4.5 mile run before heading to Pensacola for Aubrynn’s last soccer tournament. Super HOT and humid.

We headed down to Pensacola beach Friday so the kids could play and swim at the hotel. It rained a good bit Friday evening. 

Saturday: I managed to get up around 6 AM and walk down to have a little quiet time on the beach. The beach is my happy place and I got in a short 2.1 mile run/walk with my shoes on. I’ve tried running barefoot on the beach and hurt my ankle 3 years ago. Trying to run on the sand was pretty funny, but I enjoyed it. Looking back, I am thankful I had a few minutes to spend some time on the beach before my family woke up. Aubrynn’s first game wasn’t until 3:30 so the kids got to swim for a long time Saturday morning. We started getting ready about 12 so we could head out for lunch before the game. Since Mother’s Day was the next day, we took a few pictures on the balcony before we left. A happy memory before what turned out to be a very sad day. Shortly after this picture was taken, Aubrynn collided with another player on the opposing team going for the ball and they both hit the ground. For the record, let me just say we had a terrible ref making terrible calls. He had already blown the whistle and given two penalties for my daughter. I knew if she got another one, she would get a yellow card (a warning). When she collided with this girl, they both fell down and Aubrynn suffered a severe knee injury. She was taken out of the game but her coach put her back in not realizing how much pain she was in. We ended up winning the game, but I knew something was terribly wrong when it took her awhile to walk across the field to us. When she made it to the sidelines, she was crying from being in so much pain. Aubrynn never cries and is not your typical emotional teenager. We knew she was seriously hurt. Long story short, she went to the medical tent where the PT said she strained her knee and it may have popped out of place and back in. Her knee was very swollen so he wrapped it in ice. Sadly, she did not get to play the next two games Saturday or Sunday and her team lost both of those games. It was a sad way to end the season with Mississippi Reign. She cried because she was unable to play. She was heartbroken and I was heartbroken. I shed a lot of tears last weekend. Hardest Mother’s Day weekend ever. 

Sunday, Mother’s Day: I will be honest and say, I walked down early to the beach and just cried. Thankfully, not many people were out. I was so upset for my daughter and that she was in so much pain. I was sad for her team and I was having chest pains on top of everything else. I know it was just stress. We ended up eating lunch with my parents and MIL at Peg Leg Petes and went to Aubrynn’s last soccer game to support. They lost 6-0 😢😢. The girls were so discouraged. Not a great way to end the year. Once we got home, I started feeling better as far as stress goes, but Aubrynn was still hurting. We made her an Ortho appointment and everything turned out just fine. She is on crutches for a few days, but her knee is not swollen anymore and she’s moving around a whole lot better. 

That about covers everything from last week. I ran 16 miles and taught 3 days of class. I hope y’all are having a great week so far! 

Have you had a child get injured playing a sport? How did you handle it? I am linking up with MarciaErika, and Patty for Tuesday’s on the Run! 

23 thoughts on “Weekly Recap: workouts, soccer, beach, and a knee injury 

  1. Sorry to hear about your daughters injury. It’s really too bad when you have bad referee and that the coated didn’t keep her off longer. I’ve had my fair share of soccer injuries and so have the players I used to coach. It’s a hard way to end the season for sure. Hope she heals well.

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  2. My heart hurts seeing Aubrynn that way and I know too well how you as her mom hurt as well. My 15 yr old daughter is on her hs track team (she ran Varsity as a freshman) and has had season ending injuries both freshman and sophomore year. As if we weren’t heartbroken enough, her coaches think she’s “faking” despite the dr notes and PT and everything else. It is so very hard and I try to understand why stuff like this happens but we don’t know the plan yet. I’m so glad Aubrynn’s knee is moving in the right direction. She’s a trooper!


    1. Oh I’m so sorry about your daughter’s injuries too! It breaks our hearts as mothers to see them hurting and for the coaches to not support them. We just got a text from Aubrynn’s coach a couple of days ago. Had not heard from him through this whole ordeal. So disappointing. Aubrynn is doing much better. I hope your daughter is doing well and all healed up from her injuries as well! Have a great race this weekend!


  3. Glad that Aubrynn is recovering from her injury! Will she be able to play again soon?

    It’s hard to see our kids hurting. What’s that saying? A mom is only happy as her least happy child…


  4. Aw, Katie. I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter. But what a trooper that she played injured. I’m glad she’s starting to feel better and it’s nothing serious!!


  5. Your daughter is a real trooper! I hope she is still healing nicely and recovers from missing the end of the season. BUMMER for sure! It is tough being a Mom, I feel for you! Congrats on Princess, that will be a great weekend!

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  6. I’m so sorry Aubrynn got hurt like that. I know that’s a disappointing end to the season, but I’m glad she’s healing up.

    Our little man got hurt in baseball. He was fielding and misjudged and took a ball to the face. It knocked his tooth right out. And that was pretty much the end of baseball for him. 😦 It was pretty awful, and he was a lot younger. I don’t blame him, though. It was rather traumatizing. 😦

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  7. Aw, so sorry about the injury, but glad she is ok. Those beach pics are gorgeous! You will have quite the Disney Princess weekend. How awesome it will be with your girls and friends ‘

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  8. Hi Katie, I’m glad you had that peaceful early morning beach time, if it were me that would have been the best part of the whole week. Sorry about your daughter’s injury, I hope she continues to heal and gets back to 100%. One of my sons has hurt his knee a few times, both by doing parkour and while playing frisbee. It took a while but I think he’s back to normal now.

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