Weekly Recap 

Wow what a busy and blessed week/weekend it has been! My week didn’t get off to a great start. On Sunday I had to make a trip to Urgent Care because I was fairly certain I had strep throat. My son had it Friday and my throat actually started to hurt the same day I took him to the doctor’s office. My husband works weekends so I had to take care of the kids. Sunday, sure enough, the doctor said I had strep too. One shot of penicillin in the rear and a whole bunch of antibiotics later, I’m good as new!  Thanks to strep, I could not teach my Monday and Tuesday classes either.  So my week went like this.

Monday: rest

Tuesday: 4 miles and let me just say they were quite painful due to that penicillin shot. Ouch! Who knew I needed that right glute so much? Straightening my ponytail after a rough weekend and beginning of the week!

Wednesday: I walked 3 miles with my best friend at the park. We started this 2 weeks ago. She doesn’t like to run or take selfies lol, but it’s a great way to spend time together! 

After our walk, I decided since I had the whole day to myself to run Jeff Galloway’s Magic Mile. This is the mile you run pretty fast to see what your marathon pace will be. I’m so close to hitting that marathon registration button! I warmed up half a mile then ran my MM pretty fast at 8:57! I cooled down 1.5 to make it an even 3 mile run. I needed to catch up on my mileage since I’ve been sick. You multiply your MM x 1.3 to get your marathon pace. Mine will be 11:14 which would be awesome! It felt good to run fast again, even for one mile. 

Thursday: it was back to work! We did a great core workout Thursday afternoon. I had 6 ladies that made it to class! 

Friday: 3 mile walk with my best friend again and 3 mile run for a total of 6 miles! Woo hoo! Me playing on a bridge at the park! 

I ended the week with 6 walking miles and 10 miles running for 16 miles total. I’ll take it since I was sick all weekend. 

I spent the weekend in Hattiesburg watching my oldest daughter play in her soccer tournament. Her team ended up winning second place! Aubrynn came home covered in bruises and a busted lip. One of the other players in the championship game punched her in the face. I played soccer in school and remember how rough it was. Things haven’t changed much. She brought home her own medal this weekend! 

It brings me so much joy watching her play. She plays hard and is very aggressive especially if the other team is unnecessarily rough. 

How was your week? What are you training for? Not sure when my next race will be since the next 3 weekends are booked up with kids’ activies! Happy Monday friends!

22 thoughts on “Weekly Recap 

  1. Congrats to your daughter and her team! Yikes that sounds viciously brutal to get punched in the face. We’re in the midst of indoor track season here with my teenager. She had a big meet over the weekend and another one tomorrow after school. Things will be crazy around here until June.

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  2. Looks like you had a good week despite the strep throat. Your daughter is a tough girl! My daughter plays soccer, but not on a league. I think once she experiences the ‘brutality’ of it, she wouldn’t want to do it again. She’s my sensitive girl 🙂

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  3. Oooh! I’m definately going to have to do the Jeff Galloway mile! Cool way to see prediction of marathon pace! I’ve never had strep. Glad you’re on the mend!

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  4. The week was pretty rough as far as training was concerned. The weather was bad and my running buddy was sick, and Mr PugRunner was out of town. What can you do?

    Sorry about the strep – that was the one sickness that could bring me down fast. Little man used to get it fairly often, too, but we’ve both been clear for a few years (me, because i finally had my tonsils out and him because I think I was a carrier all these years). Fingers crossed we don’t have to deal with it anymore.

    I have three races over the next two weekends. File that under “it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

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  5. I hope that butt check is feeling better now! 🙂 That soccer game sounds a little rough for a bunch of girls- yikes!! Plenty of time to make up those miles- the nice thing about running is the road is always waiting on you! 🙂 Have a great week!

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