Weekly Recap 

It has been another really long, hard week! The good news is I did manage to run three days and taught my classes for three days. I had two important doctor appointments this week, one I had been avoiding for a few months. 

Monday:  The kids were off school so my husband took my son to a cabin the night before and they went hunting with his friend and his son. I had taken my daughters to lunch and shopping with my mom after church. I was really tired on Sunday, but that’s pretty normal. Monday morning, I got up at 6:30 and enjoyed a beautiful sunrise run. 

I ran 2.4 miles in honor or my niece, Carli. She would have been 24 years old on Sunday. I ran 2.4 and walked/jogged the rest of the way home to make it 3 miles. I wore Carli’s favorite color, hot pink, in loving memory. She’s been in heaven for over 6 years now. We miss her every single day. 

Here is a picture of me and Carli 7 years ago. We had a special bond. My two girls look a lot like her. 

I also taught my class Monday afternoon. We worked on our upper body and of course cardio! 

Tuesday:  I spent the morning with my husband and taught my class that afternoon. We worked legs! My daughter had a soccer game that night and we beat our opposing team, East Central! We came up short the last time we played them so this was a sweet victory! 

Wednesday: I rested and went to see my cardiologist. Since my ER visit last May, I’ve been seeing him every 3 months. I told him I was having trouble with exhaustion and eating. It’s like I can’t get enough to eat and I’m eating every two hours. He said it was from the steroid shot I got three weeks ago for my head cold. He said it stays in your system up to 6 weeks! He explained all the side effects and sure enough, that’s what I’ve been experiencing. Sheesh. I will be glad when this shot is out of my system! Other than that, I got a good report. 

Thursday:  Dermatology appointment first thing that morning. I had an all clear skin check which was awesome. Usually every time I go, they remove something and it HURTS. I ran two miles that afternoon in a hurry and went straight to pick up my kids and head to teach my class.

Friday:  I was so tired by Friday. My son has been sick with cough, allergy and sinus problems. I have not been sleeping well. I decided to take him to our local NP before they closed. I needed 8 miles for my long run but only had time for 6. This picture describes perfectly how I felt, not that the run was bad. It wasn’t even though the weather was terribly hot and humid. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. 

The whole week, I’ve felt rushed. I’m tired, overwhelmed, stressed and worried about my son.  I have prayed, cried, journaled, worshiped, you name it. I feel like I do all the right things and still come up short. I know it’s just a season of life and I’m still struggling to find balance. 

Saturday and Sunday are rest days and we had some severe weather come through.  We are getting ready to celebrate our middle child, Addy. We are having her birthday party this afternoon. She will be 10 on Tuesday!  Planning on enjoying the day with friends and family! Hopefully this week will go a little more smoothly!  

How did your week go? Do you ever feel like you’re always behind and short on time? How do you balance your training, job, household, and children’s activities? 

34 thoughts on “Weekly Recap 

  1. Gosh, it does sound like a lot to deal with last week. It sounds like your docotr appointments went well, which is always a relief. What did the NP say about your son? It seems like a nasty virus is going around that just doesn’t let go. Hugs to your and your niece’s family.

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  2. Sorry to hear it’s been a hard week. Hope your son feels better. My youngest has a cough right now and got sick the other night while coughing. Good news is that she was still smiling and laughing through it all.


  3. Balance is tough, and no two people will give you an identical answer as to “how to do it.” I’ve never used my running as my “therapy” time, so I don’t have a problem skipping a run (or more) now and then if there’s a family situation. I’ve been entertaining a surprise head cold in the past 24 hours. I’m due for a run, but it’s probably gonna have to be a short one because my body is not at 100%…and that’s alright. Take care

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hope your son will be feeling better very soon. Frustrating and stressful for you all for sure! So many nasty viruses going around… where I live too. Hope you have a better week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I do always feel like I’m behind. And my kids have been sick and my daughter doesn’t sleep. Ever. I totally feel what you’re going through, mama!

    Sorry about your niece but what a beautiful way to honor and remember her. ❤

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  6. I’m sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed. We are struggling with my son’s allergies too – he sounds absolutely awful and we are trying to get him into a pediatric allergist to see if there’s something we can do for him other than pumping him up with zyrtec or all our other holistic approaches. Fingers crossed that there is relief in sight.

    There are never enough hours in the day, but I have made a conscious effort to just let it all go. Tomorrow’s another day, and everything will get done eventually. Hang in there.

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  7. Hoping your son feels better soon! It can be so hard to have sick kids at home. My daughter has been battling pneumonia for the past 2.5 weeks and I just want her to be well again. Looks like you were able to fit in some nice running though which always helps!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve been having an overwhelming past few weeks as well due to various things. I hope things get better for you! I agree with one of the commenters above, for me, running i never really “therapy” lol I’d rather skip a run…my therapy is sitting on my couch watching netflix and eating ben and jerrys 🙂

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