Best and Worst Race Pictures

I love this topic for Tuesday’s on the Run! First of all, I LOVE pictures but I am terrible about printing them. I am so proud that I ordered some “Wall Pics” for our family pictures we took in January. They put your pictures on small tiles and you place them wherever you want. The tape on the back doesn’t pull off your wall paint! No hammering nails into your walls! They turned out really cute!

So let’s start with my favorite race pictures. When I first started running, I bought them all the time. Now, I only buy them if it’s a special race. This picture is one of my all time favorites from my very first marathon, The St. Jude Country Music Marathon in Nashville April 25, 2015! So this was not an easy race at all, but crossing the finish line with my two daughters?? Priceless. Such a special moment for all of us and I am so glad I got to share it with them.

I’m so happy to say my second marathon I just ran March 18, 2018 at Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach went waaaaay better! The look on my face says it all! Glory to God I finally crossed the finish line of another marathon and PR’d! Woo hoo!!

This next one is from March 2015 when I PR’d my half marathon time by 4 minutes. It was the Gulf Coast Half Marathon Series in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Doesn’t everyone clap when they PR?? This was a free race picture too!

Now to the not so good race pictures ha! This one was from January 2015 at the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon. It was freezing, hilly, AND I had to buy this picture because I got in trouble posting it with the photographer name on social media. Eye roll.

November 2016, Kaiser Realty Half Marathon was the worst race I’ve ever had. My heart rate monitor said my HR was through the roof and pretty much killed my mental game. I almost turned around to go to my truck and quit. I’ve never felt so defeated at a race, EVER. Somehow I finished and the look on my face tells how I felt about this race. I was glad to be done. I’m still glad I didn’t quit.

And last but not least this one is just a funny picture from the Disney Princess 5k! Someone wasn’t camera ready, but my two daughters were! Aren’t they cute??

Well that was fun!! Do you buy your race pictures? What are your favorites? I am linking up with Marcia, Patty, and Erika for Tuesday’s on the Run!

9 thoughts on “Best and Worst Race Pictures

  1. I never buy the pics. Since I usually have plenty of selfies (and sometimes pics from others, usually the hubby), I’m fine with taking a pass. I actually love the pic of you all in your mermaid gear 😉 It captured a very unique moment in time 😉

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