Weekly Recap

I am happy to say the month of May is off to a great start! Thanks to the Magnolia Meltdown Half Marathon on Saturday, I logged 23.2 miles this week! Yay! My week went like this..

Monday: I was feeling pretty under the weather on Monday. I went to Urgent Care Sunday after church because I had a sore throat and sinus issues. I started another round of antibiotics and my husband went on a fishing trip Sunday morning. I ran 4 miles Monday morning, but took a two hour nap afterward. I can’t sleep well when my husband is gone and I was exhausted from the weekend. For Monday’s class, I set up stations and my ladies did a full body workout. I didn’t do much with them that day. All three kids had to come with me to work 😳. 

Tuesday: I was feeling better and since my half was coming up on Saturday, I decided to run some fartleks. That word is too funny! My best friend lives in Alaska and she’s been running consistently for a year. She is super fast and said fartleks are what helped her. We are supposed to run together in a few weeks when she comes home. She is going to SMOKE my you know what! So I ran 3 miles of fartleks or as I said on IG, I farted for 3 miles. I just wanted to see if anybody really reads my posts or just double taps. I ran 5 minutes easy, 3 minutes faster pace, then 1 minute hard and repeated this for 3 miles. 9:46 was the best I could do. I really need to do more speedwork! I sent my friend this picture. She has the best weather up in Alaska right now and it’s warming up down here. Running together will be interesting for sure! For Tuesday’s class we did a Tabata workout. I’ve never tried one before and it went really well! 

Wednesday: Easy 3 miles 

Thursday: Rest. Check out this beautiful sunset where we live after my son’s Tball game! 

Friday: Rest. My daughter, Addy, tried out for dance team at the Junior High for next year. Down here Junior High starts in 5th grade. I’m happy to say she made the team for the 2017-2018 school year! 

We didn’t get on the road to Ridgeland until 6:30 or so after her tryouts were over. We stopped and ate Mugshots in Hattiesburg before heading up to Ridgeland. We got to the hotel which was right by the starting line around 9:45 and went on to bed. 

Saturday: race day!! I got up at 5 AM since the half started at 6:30. I went down to pick up my packet and they didn’t have my bib. I was in the system, they just didn’t have a bib assigned to me. No problem getting one. I went back up to the hotel room and finished getting ready. I met my friend Angela @raceaddict downstairs at 6:15. I look like I’m still asleep!! We met up with some other friends, prayed, and sang the National Anthem. Then it was time to run!! I will write a race recap, but I ended up running my fastest half of this race season despite soooo many HILLS! Whew! The Magnolia Meltdown FB page said the course was “flat.” Uuuuuum… naw. 

My official time ended up being 2:19:47!! I was super proud of that. My legs were so tired from climbing hills, but I’m proud of my effort. I did struggle a bit during the race and had to work very hard for that time. I am still not sure I will sign up for the full in December. I am struggling with fatigue even with walk breaks. I admit I did not run this race 💯% healthy. I was still sick with sinus trouble and have never run a half marathon sick before. I’m hoping I will feel better and get some rest when the kids get out of school. 

So how was your week?? Did you race? Ever have a race say it was FLAT and you realize they told you a story?? 😂😂 I am linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap! 

24 thoughts on “Weekly Recap

  1. My race this morning was pretty flat except for a nice incline right before the finish line. I’m actually not a fan of flat courses…I prefer a few hills now and then to work different muscles. Your finish time is great! YOU worked hard for that 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations!! I think “flat” means something else to race directors! The Cherry Blossom course is the flattest race I do, but there’s a tiny hill right before the finish line that just seems mean! I’ve never heard of a race starting so early as 6:30!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are having yourself a great running year my friend! I think the effort and struggle you felt was because you’d been sick. Can’t wait to hear more about your race. Congrats again to Addy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats to you! That is a great race time! You will be even stronger when you are 100%- your friend will be impressed when she comes from Alaska- have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hahaha! Although I only ran the 10k, since I live here now, I run most of this route all the time and it is pretty dang flat to me! 🙂 After having lived in Meridian for so long though, just about anything would seem flat to me!! Congratulations on a great finish time!! I think you should go for that full again!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great job on what sounds like a challenging course. I’m looking forward to the details as this one is on my radar. I never trust the word “flat”. Funny, my hilly race had me questioning the marathon distance too. Congrats to your daughter. Thanks for linking, Katie!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. How very cool you got to meet up with Angela! I met her in Tupelo a few years back just the sweetest thing!
    I think you had a great race and a great time!
    Speaking of hills, I expected Louisville to be hilly but the half course really basically flat!
    Congratulations to your daughter too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This was my hilliest half out of the four I ran. I trained really hard for Magnolia and I feel like I did well. I felt like I struggled through miles 8-12. I could not get my legs to GO!! Lol! My mind was saying run faster and my body said “NO!” 😂


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